Dermal fillers and Botox: What to do to avoid the black and blue.

Want to look magically younger without anyone knowing your secret fountain of youth? 

Botox, Juvederm and Restylene are practically household names nowadays.  These injectables and fillers will give you almost immediate results, enhancing your natural beauty.

We all want to be beautiful and remain young, forever!  These treatments will take years off with little or no recovery time. 

Here’s how to keep your treatments a little secret between you and your practitioner:

Pre treatment:

Stop taking medications that can thin the blood.  A week before you get Botox injections and dermal fillers, stop taking: aspirin, ibuprofen, Excedrin, Motrin, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, flax oil, cod liver oil, fish oil, vitamin A, vitamin E and other essential fatty acids. Also, avoid drinking alcohol a few days before your treatment.

If you have to take pain medication, Tylenol is your best choice.   

10 Post treatment recommendations:

1)   Elevate your headand avoid lying flat or prone (face down). Putting your head on a few pillows, will help reduce bruising, swelling, and pooling of blood in the area treated.

2)   Do not massage or touch injection sites. Avoid rubbing and massaging the treated area for at least 24 hours.  You don't want to make the injectable spread to other unintended areas.

3)   Exercise treated muscles.  For the first one to two hours post treatment exercise the area treated either by raising your eyebrows, squinting or furrowing your brow. (Botox ONLY)

4)   Avoid additional facial treatments.  Make sure to book other services including, but not limited to facials, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, etc. for at least 24-48 hours post treatment. 

5)   Use an ice pack .  Icing before, during, and after injectables can help reduce the potential of bruising. Ice helps to constrict the blood vessels and lessens the likelihood of a bruise to spread. Do not place ice directly on the skin. Use a clean barrier like a thin paper towel.

 6)   Apply arnica gel.  Apply arnica to injection sites with clean hands every 1-2 hours for at least the first 24 hours to help minimize bruising.  Arnica Montanais a homeopathic medicine used to reduce bruising  It is available without a prescription and can be found at most natural health food stores.

 7)   No strenuous activity.  Any activity that elevates your blood pressure and heart rate can cause bruising.  You should avoid running, weight lifting, pilates, yoga, aerobics, cycling, climbing, sun, heat exposure and sex.

 8)   At least 3 days post treatment avoid: aspirin, Motrin, ginkgo biloba, alcohol, carbohydrates, caffeine, sugar, garlic, flax oil, cod liver oil, fish oil, vitamin A, vitamin E and other essential fatty acids.

 9)   For at least 24-48 hours post treatment avoid: alcohol, caffeine, niacin, high sodium foods, high sugar foods, carbohydrates, spicy foods and cigarettes.

 10)  No topical products.  Discontinue Retin A for at leat 2 days after treatment.  Do not wear makeup or lipstick on the treated area for at least 24 hours.